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Saturday 15 December 2012

I Trust Daehyun

Where you'll be in Dreamland the whole time because it's YOU my stories are about. . .
( Excuse me for errors, hehe. . This is a sample. (maybe)

#imagine You are in a relationship with Daehyun for 3 months now. He confessed to you first when you were in detention. He likes you, you like him. Everything seems so perfect. Almost. Everything. You found out that one of your classmates also has a crush on Daehyun. You didn't think much about it at first, but as time goes by, you started feeling insecure and restless. Even when Daehyun is beside you, you can't help but feel restless. You started to analyse Daehyun's every move and words. You didn't want to admit it, but you started doubting your boyfriend. So you decided to do some more investigating. One day after school, you lied and told Daehyun you will be getting out of class late because there's something you need to take care of. Daehyun said he will wait for you. You actually got out of class very early and hid from Daehyun's sight. You were watching Daehyun sitting on a bench from the class window. The other girl who had a crush on Daehyun sat next to him suddenly. You:"What am I doing? I trust Daehyun. I do. I shouldn't do this."but you can't help but keep watching at them. You saw how Daehyun smiles brightly when he talks to the girl. They looked very . . Close. Close friends? Yous started assuming it was more than that. These few days you realised Daehyun doesn't smile brightly when he talks to you anymore. Not as bright as he just did with that girl. When you think about it, that's what has been making you insecure and your heart started aching suddenly. You were holding it in. You started to ache more when you saw . . Daehyun was very close to the girl. Then what you didn't want to see happened. The girl was holding Daehyun's hand. But why does it look like Daehyun is the one holding her hand? You couldn't stand it, but you remained still and hoped that Daehyun will let go of her hand. Yell at her or something. You started getting teary when you saw Daehyun just sitting there like that. What is he thinking? You said to yourself that there must be reasons he wasn't avoiding that girl. You pushed yourself to keep trusting him. But your fragile heart couldn't live up to that and it broke into pieces in seconds. You ran away from class and entered the restroom. You started to cry your heart out. In your mind, you compiled all the moments when you felt that Daehyun is acting weird nowadays. Your mind told you to keep your trust in Daehyun, but your heart dominates your brain. You were slowly believing that this wasn't just you. You started to grow certain that Daehyun is cheating on you. You cried more than ever. Then.. (ringtone)You:*wipes tears*mm? Daehyun:"You're still not out?"holding your tears, you replied with a broken voice "N-not yet ." Daehyun:"Are you ok? You don't sound good. I'm coming up to your class now.' You:"n-n-no, Dae. I think.. I'm staying a bit longer here. u go back first. sorry i made you wait so long. Daehyun:"You sure? I'll wait for you a bit more--"then you cut him off. "No, Dae, really. You should go back first, I'll go back home with Jieun. there are still lots to do here. dae:"Can't i see u first?" you felt like you choked on your tears. "No, Dae. There are teachers here.".Dae:"*sighs*Then . . I'll go back first." you:"Yes." Dae:"Kay." you were about to hang up when Dae said :I'll see you tomorrow.Love you." you pretended like you didn't hear the sentence and hung up. 

          The next day . . You woke up a bit later than usual. When you finished preparing for school, you went out of the house and saw Daehyun's waiting for you. Dae:"You're later than usual." and he puts on a smile. THAT SMILE. You were hurting inside thinking that he didn't give that smile to just you. There is someone else that can make him smile more brightly than that. You forced up a smile and greeted him. "Morning Dae." You felt stupid because you know it's obvious you're faking it. Daehyun seemed to noticed it too and his expression changed. before Dae can open the door for you like he always does, you got in the car first. Daehyun looks surprised but you were avoiding his gaze. You were avoiding the pain. Daehyun got in and started the engine. "Did you sleep well last night? You should've called me when u got home. u didnt even answer my calls."you replied reluctantly 'I.. I went straight to shower and bed when I got home. Sorry.."You were still avoiding his gaze. Daehyun wanted to continue, but as if he realised you didn't wanna talk, he just started driving. Unlike usual, the whole drive to school was silent and only occupied with small talks like "Did you eat?" and stuff. You were looking out the window the whole time. Daehyun notices your strange behaviour and stopped the car. You guys were in front of the school already. You opened the door and was about to go out when Daehyun grabbed your hand. " Why are you acting like this?" he said with a plaintive tone. "Like what? Dae, we're gonna be late for school."You attempted to go out again but Dae grabbed you more tightly. "Dae, it hurts!" then Daehyun pulled you close to him. "Look into my eyes. Why are you avoiding my gaze? "unconsciously, you started tearing. "You have been acting strange from yesterday. You avoided my calls, you didn't reply my texts.."Daehyun paused for a moment. "You're avoiding me." 'No I'm not," you answered,trying to sound normal. "Dae , my class starts in 2 mins, I'm going."by force, you got out of the car and walked. You felt your steps heavy. You were secretly hoping Daehyun will get out of the car and chased you...... But Daehyun was still inside the car. So you tried to walk faster to class. You heard a faint voice calling you from behind but you ignored it. In your mind, that time it was all dark. Blank. You couldn't think properly. The further you walked, the heavier your steps felt. You almost feel like you're dragging your feet. You gave up and decided to sit on a bench nearby. How are you supposed to start class when you can't even walk properly? You heard the bell rang and the other students' chattering stopped and they are rushing their way into their respective classes. 

           You were there. Alone now. Sitting. Pathetic. (scene changes to Daehyun) Daehyun's back silhouette can be seen from the window of the car. His hands were shaking. He never saw his girl (i didnt give the girl a name, because it's YOU , whoever you are)like this. Realising that he has to be a man, he got out of the car. He kept calling for you but you ignored him. He kept following you but after a while , he lost track of you. youngjae: "yo daehyun!" daehyun's eyes were still searching fpr you. himchan: "jung daehyun!" daehyun finally realises his friends' presence. dae:"oh yeah, dude-"before he could get his word out youngjae pulled him saying "Yo Dae, we can't be late for first period, unless you wanna get scolded by Prof hyosung."Daehyun couldn't think up words to reply his friends and so he ended up just following them to class. His mind was only stuck on you. . .(scene changes back to you)Alone. On a bench. And class already started. What were you thinking? It could have been better if it wasn't Daehyun you see first thing in the morning. And you hated yourself for not being able to try to ask for his explanations. You hated yourself more because all you hear in your heart is that everything was over for you and Daehyun. You couldn't fight the feeling. You felt your cheeks hot. You decided to run and hide before your tears overflow. You went to the nearest female restroom and locked up yourself. You decided to skip first and second period until you get a hold of yourself. When you finally managed to stand, you entered class and finished school like normal. You didn't try to strike a conversation with anyone in case they notice your unusual tone. You listened to all the lectures. At least you think you did. You felt stupid as how you listen to the professors' voices like they are feeling your sadness too. Everything was normal. But not you. When school finally ended, you grabbed Jieun. You:"unnie, ill ride with you in ur car." Jieun:"again? but daehyun--" you cut her off saying, " i need to hurry home for something. please?" Jieun couldn't say anything to decline. You knew Daehyun's class ends later than you, and all you could think of is avoiding him however you can. So you followed Jieun to your house. This drive was silent as well. being understanding as she is, Jieun knows that you're going through a hard time,so she just let you be. Jieun:"ure not gonna inform daehyun?" You paused for a while."I did." you lied reluctantly.Jieun just nods and drive. While in school.. Daehyun's class just ended. He was waiting near the gate. He saw Sunhwa about to board the bus. Dae:"sunhwa-ssi!" sunhwa:"ooh? why?" daehyun:"did you happen to see (ur name) ?" sunhwa:"oh? i saw her off with jieun just now.. didnt she say she was?" daehyun stops. dae:"really?i guess she has something urgent,"Daehyun's throat felt dry when he knows that those just words trying to console him. Odd and taken aback, he just drives home. This time his drive felt like forever. You were avoiding him. He knows that. And you don't know it's hurting you both. You both were puzzled. Daehyun kept calling you but you wouldn't answer. You got off early to school following Jieun just to avoid Daehyun. How are you going to cope with this? This Friday doesn't seem to be like the other Fridays. Friday is supposed to be the day you feel the most relaxed and enjoy. But no, not today. You were just hoping you could end today hurriedly. You prayed you wouldn't see Daehyun at school. Fortunately, you didn't. You succeeded in avoiding Daehyun for the whole day. You think that's what you want. Your heart is actually aching , wishing Daehyun would try to see you once. You hated that ego, you felt yourself pathetic for hoping. "luckily the weekends here,"you thought. 2 days where it'll be easier for you to avoid Daehyun. You thought of going somewhere else with your friends for the whole weekend. Why isn't Daehyun calling you this time? You shaked your head." Why am i hoping for him to see me?" you could hear in a little corner in your heart . You packed your clothes and decided to spend the whole weekend in your relative's house. You tried to convince yourself that's the best way for now. So your weekend ended just like that. Your aunt's nagging, your uncle's chit chatting about his broken down car and your niece pulling your arm to take you to her fantasyland on the lawn.
          The weekend was a 3 day hell for you. There wasn't reception in your grandpa's district. When you finally came back yo your house, it was 6pm. Dark. Your house was empty. Your parents went for business trip in Canada. All you could do was enter and throw yourself to your bed. You opened your phone. 6 missed calls, 12 text messages- none from Daehyun. You thought you got over it. No. You started crying more than ever. You finally concluded that Daehyun is seriously agreeing to the fact that you guys are over. You couldn't think. All you remember that day was crying yourself to sleep. 3 days in grandpa's house sure did you no favour. The next day? School. Another crappy day, you whispered. You paused for a moment before opening the front door. *door creeks* There. The world seemed to stop revolving for a few seconds. You saw the figure you missed the most even though you denied it. He walks towards you with light steps. You were lowering down your head the whole time, trying to hold in your tears." I thought you needed space. So I tried and tried to stop myself from calling you or texting you. I wanted to see your face so bad I thought I couldn't even stand up to do so. I wanted to understand but I can't. How am I supposed to do so when you don't even say a word about us?" he said with his voice that you were dying to hear, his tone sounded that of sadness mixed with a little bit annoyance. "I can't do this any longer..." and he grabbed you and hugged you. You felt his hands caressing your hair. "Whatever did I do to make you like this, I'm sorry. Please listen just once. I think my heart will explode if I don't say a word to you. I thought the world stopped every time I think of how we used to be together. I can't stand hearing our songs. The 3 days without you was hell. "

          You wanted to speak, but you were choking with tears."I-i", you couldn't get your words out. This was just too much. All you wanted to do was forget all those incidents you saw and just wanted to go back into Daehyun's arms. Who cares what he meant with that girl? You felt like dying if you're not with Daehyun. You didn't want to mind all those things and just stay with Daehyun. Explanations are not for now, you thought. All you did now was crying in Daehyun's arms. (now for the twist lol ) So you made up with Daehyun. But you couldn't bring yourself to say what's been haunting you. What did he mean by holding the girl's hand? You wanted to say it, but you were too afraid you'll be broken down by the answers. You were still insecure, but you wanted to forget everything for now. . (Female's restroom) Girl's voice: Yah, mia, I heard Daehyun had a fight with (your name). Girl 2: oh really? well then? did they broke up? You were listening. Shocked. Girl 1:well I heard they just made up. . Girl 2: I don't care anymore. That Daehyun, no matter what I do he doesn't look at me. How can a guy neglect a girl like me? After holding hands and whatsoever, all that jerk see is (your name). girl 1: You held hands with him?????!! Girl 2: SHH! I told him I needed him to rehearse my so-called "script" for the drama club audition. Haha, he just does what I say, rehearsing his "lines". . I thought that was my last resort to get him. Turns out that ***** is clogging up his mind. I can't give up my pride for a guy like that, euwwww.. You. Were. Mentally breaking down. *chattering stops* All you could think of now is running to Daehyun. This time you know for sure that it's all okay. When you got out last period ended. You saw Daehyun in the usual place to bring you home. He smiled. You cried. You ran to him. "It was my fault all along." Daehyun just hugs you tighter and said " I love you no matter what happens."

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