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Monday 17 December 2012

#imagine. . . part 2

#imagine You were hospitalised for a few days because of an illness. Many people visited you, but the one you're really hoping for, Jongup, didn't come. The day you are going out of the hospital, Jongup finally came. You were sulking so you pretended like you didn't care when he came in. He kept calling you but you kept looking away. After a while he finally grabbed your hand and pulled you to him. "I'm here now, right?" he said. You:"I understand you're busy, but. . Even Yongguk came.. So--"he didn't let you finish and hugged you. "I wanted you to think that if you recover faster, you will see me faster. I wanted to come and visit, but if I did you will feel relieved and think that it's okay to be sick a few more days if I came." You:"Ridiculous." Uppie:"I wanted to see you in a healthy condition. It hurts me to see you sick."

#imagine You are on a diet and you can't eat fast food. On a Saturday, B.A.P brought you out during lunch. It was in a fast food franchise. You couldn't say anything and was just holding in your hunger. Channie:"Yah, why aren't you eating?" You:"I'm. . Full." You thought of bringing the food back to your dorm and give it to your dormmate. You were trying to move your attention to something else. You:"Umm, you know , my sister just--" Channie took a piece of a burger and stuffed it into your mouth. You didn't know what to do and just chewed. You:"Oppa, I'm seriously not hungry." And you took away your burger from him. Channie:"Are you on a diet?" You hesitated but nods. Channie:"It's the holidays, you dummy. No need for diets."You:"I need to, so I can eat a lot during Christmas parties.."Channie:"Then just eat. I don't care if you gain a little weight. Just.. A little. .Though. ." You:"Aissh, stop teasing me!" Channie laughed and moves his face close to you. "I think I love you too much to even care about that."and kissed your cheek. He added "If your cheeks get a little chubby I'll be kissing it more."

#imagine you just started taking Korean lessons. You were having troubles with your homework one night, so you asked Youngjae to help you. The Hangul characters were driving you insane. Even after 30mins, you were still having troubles. "Oppa, I think that's enough. You need sleep. I'll do this on my own."You stood up and was about to go back to your dorm. Jae:"Sit down." You:"Ne?? What?" He pulled you to sit down on the chair. "You're this slow, how are you gonna do it on your own, huh?" You put on a face and stood back up."I dunno, I'll just--",He forced you back down."Sit down. Even if it's not for homework, I like it better when you're around."You gave a confused look. "Now if you refuse my help.."He paused. "I might even go with you to your classes." He gave you a deep look. Jae:"Arasseo?"You:"Haissh. Nonsense." He ruffles your hair. Jae:"You're gonna have to spend more time with me from now on. And seriously, stay here. I'll get coffee."and smiled.

#imagine You stayed up all night at the TS studio and fell asleep. You had a terrible nightmare and when you woke up, it was 3am. You were shaking and sweating. You got up but when you were walking you almost fell down. .but Yongguk caught you. "Hey, what's wrong , are you okay?"You felt silly for tripping. You:"Yes, but, I think I need to go get a glass of water.." Yongguk:'Stay here". He sat you down and went to get you water. "Here. Drink." After you drank, he hugs you."Oppa, I'm fine." Yongguk:"But I'm not. Not when you're like this." Your head hurts so you couldn't say a word. He kissed you on the top of your head."I'll be here, don't worry. I'll be here, so don't be afraid to hug me if you got a nightmare again."

#imagine The TS Ent artists, including you, went on an outing. They were all swimming in the sea but you couldn't swim. So you stayed at the beach and prepared the food. You didn't see Zelo swimming. When you were preparing, Zelo suddenly started helping you out. You:"Why aren't you joining them?" Zelo:"I dunno . . I'm too young to see those bikini bodies. Haha " You just rolled your eyes and continued preparing. Zelo:"Plus, I thought you'd be too jealous if I went in." You assumed he was teasing you and ignored him. Zelo suddenly stretched his arms and let out a big sigh of relief. Zelo:"There are too many topless guys here, I  won't be able to stand it if they come near you." You:"Yeah right." Zelo moves his face closes to you, and your lips almost touched. Zelo:"Yeah, right. Coz you're mine. And only mine. I don't share."

#imagine You were punished for escaping practice and had to clean the practice room for a week. You were asked to mop it when B.A.P was practicing. You haven't seen them in quite a while. You came in with the mop and cleaning necessities and started cleaning. B.A.P was taking a break. All the other members went out to get some snacks but Daehyun stayed inside.Dae:"Yah, you missed a spot." and he pointed to you. You:"Oppa, I know what to do. You can just go with the others already. You never miss snack times." You continued cleaning. Dae:"How can I not miss snack time when it's YOU cleaning? I need to make sure the floor doesn't get slippery or we'll slip later.." He teased. You:" Don't worry, I'm a better cleaner than you think. Just go already" You were irritated and at the same time embarrassed with Daehyun's teasing. Dae:"I don't trust a kid like you." You ignored him. Dae:"How can I be assured you will not slip yourself when doing this, you clumsy kid?" he continued. You kept ignoring him. "Nonsense.." You thought. He stayed there. You:"Move. I need to mop here."He held your mop.Dae:"I'm sorry. I was just happy to see you."You:"Mmm." He gets rid of the mop and hugged you. Dae:"Really. Happy. I missed you, clumsy."

#imagine you were a new trainee at TS Ent . In 3 months, you received many secret admirers' letters and gifts from people inside the company. You were quite popular, but you secretly liked someone since forever there. Jongup. In your eyes, there was only him. You knew among the letters, he never sends you one because well, he is already popular, and he already debuted. The company disallows the debuted artist to be sending those types of letters. You couldn't open your heart to the others. You thought of giving up on your crush. There is a bulletin on the TS studio where you can write things that happened that day and everyone can read it. You wrote "I must let go, bit by bit. . I'll leave a little trace of you in me. ." The next day somebody wrote next to your note. "You're really letting it go? Because I just started to get a hold of it." You fell into a deep thought. Then someone from behind held your hand. "Can't you wait a little more? I promise I won't let it go." You turned around. "Jongup.. Oppa.." He smiled. "I promise. You need to promise me one thing too." You:"What is it?" Uppie:"That you'll keep your hearts door closed for anyone else. When it's time,  promise it'll be open for me." You teared up. . and he hugged you.

#imagine B.A.P went for a schedule overseas. You won't be able to see them when they get back because during that time, you had to go outside the country too. You didn't receive any texts or calls from Yongguk for 2 days. "They're busy, they're busy. ." You thought. B.A.P's flight back is scheduled tomorrow at 2pm, and your flight leaves at 6am tomorrow. You were packing your stuff when someone knocked at the door at 12am. You opened the door and was shocked to see Yongguk. "Oppa, isn't your flight tomorrow? You need to rest!" Yongguk:"I came here, flew for 6hrs and the first thing you do is scold me?" You:"You're ridiculous. And you say you have the highest mental age." Yongguk:"I do." You gave a 'huh?' look. Yongguk:"But when it comes to you everything falls apart just like that." he hugged you. "How am I suppose to keep calm if I won't see you after this? I can't. I tried. But I can't. What have you done to make me a fool like this?" You:"Oppa, " you just patted his back.Yongguk:"I missed you. Even when I see you, I still do."

#imagine Youngjae was sick , but your schedules were very tight so you could not visit him at the hospital. One night, a call came from the hospital. Voice from phone:"(ur name)-ssi?" You:"Yes. What can I help you with? " Nurse:"We are from the hospital Mr.Youngjae is in. I'm sorry, but he is asking for you. He refuses to take his medicines unless you come. We understand you're busy, but can you help us?" You were tired but you were more worried so you came. When you came in the ward, Youngjae got up. You went to give him the medicine while nagging "Oppa, I'm sorry but I'm really busy, you shouldn't do this, take ur meds, it worries me more, you're not even a 10-year-old anymore--" he didn't let you finish your sentence and just kissed and hugged you. "The medicines. Does not work." You:"Don't be silly. This is the best hosp--"Jae:" It just doesn't since you're not here. This is how I get my meds."You just look at him. He kissed you again. "It won't work if my heart is weak from missing you."

#imagine you were crying from having a hard time. You came to the practice room because you missed Daehyun. You held in your tears. Suddenly, B.A.P took a break. You quickly hid and tried to go back to your dorm. You heard a voice calling you. You just tried to walk away. He called you again. You tried to ignore. Then he grabbed your hand and turns you to him. You couldn't help but tear up.Dae:"Having to go through a lot is enough, why are you torturing yourself and cry alone?" You were choked up with tears. You couldn't speak. You wanted to run away and let go of his hand for now. Instead, he hugged you. You cried in his arms. Dae:" Share the pain with me. It's better for me than having to go through the agony knowing that you're hurt and I'm not even there to hold you when you cry. I love you as you are. That's why you shouldn't just let me remember your smile, you need to make me understand your tears too."He kissed the top of your head. "Even if I like your smile better, knowing you'd cry in my arms assures me you're safer with me."

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