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Monday 13 January 2014

'Started, Ended, and?' Part 4

What was I thinking? "Wait in the car."? Good job trying to be emo, [saying your name]. The car keys are with Himchan. You could've asked him for them first...

You were panting hard from all the running. So much for a drama scene. You are definitely not a heroine and this is certainly NOT  a drama scene. Reality isn't that perfect.

You: *wiping tears* Uggh.. This just isn't it!

Your legs gave way and you fell down on your knees. You squealed a bit.
Feel like crying so hard... Out of embarrassment...

"Yah! You're okay??"

Looks like he did have some conscience and followed me down.. This is just so embarrass---

You looked up and it wasn't that someone you expected.
Very unexpected, indeed.

"[yourname], you're okay? Oh, Yongguk, you're h-h-here??"

You turned and saw Himchan panting.

DaeJae: HYUNG!!!
YG: *eyebrow raising and points to DaeJae* These kids.. Were here?
HC: *shrugs* Kids.. Gonna be kids..
YG: What about the two other kids at home? For goodness sake, you left Jongup and Junhong alone?
YJ: They're full grown men.. What could go wrong....

[at home]
[in the kitchen]

JU: Junhong-ah, are you supposed to crack this egg or break it completely?
JH: Huh?
JU: What do we use to mix it? *searches drawers* This?
JH: Hyung.. I think that's for the electric mixer.. Just use a spoon..
JU: We had this? Do we ever use it?
JH: *trying to break an egg*
JU: Do we need a big spoon? A small one? Wooden? Metal?
JH: Hyung, are these eggs okay? *smells*


[back to dramatic scene]

HC: *looks at DaeJae with a 'I can't believe you guys' look*
DH: No, really. Jongup's an adult now. He's become reliable.
YJ: *nods*
YG: We better get home fast then. We need to buy those two dinner..There's nothing to cook at home.
DH: OKAY LET'S GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pulls Youngjae along*

Dumb-founded. What a situation.

Ahh.. Suddenly sleepy.. 

HC: Yongguk-ah, sorry. About our meeting..
YG: Never mind. Let's do it tomorrow. We still have one day left. Just drive her home safely.

Himchan unlocked the car and was reaching for you to get you in it, but Yongguk surprisingly did it faster.

YG: See you guys at home.
HC: Yeah..

Yongguk walked away to his car, where Daehyun and Youngjae are already waiting. ( They must've took a taxi to go here, well, anyway )..

You are silently looking out the window beside the driver's seat.
When Himchan finally opened the door, you quickly looked away.
Realising you haven't fasten your seatbelt, he bent towards you but you avoided his help and did it yourself.
For now, you decided to nap off while he drives.

HC: About..
You: I'm tired, just drive.
HC: Okay, I'll get us dinner then you can go straight to sleep at home.
You: Never mind.. I'm too sleepy to eat. You can buy food for yourself and wake me up when we get home.

He didn't answer and just started driving. The drive was very quiet,..

Compared to the other three's car ride.

DH: Yongguk-hyung! Where are you going to stop at? Is it the shop near the road we always go to? Are we  going to buy things to cook with? Or are we just buying light snacks??
YG: Don't know.. I'll just see..
YJ:[whispering]Shut up! Can't you see the hyungs are in a bit of a tense mood?
DH: [whispering too] What?I'm just asking!
YG: [stops the car and whispers along] There's no use whispering when I can hear you! [normal voice] Now hyung's gonna go buy some light dinner. Tteokbeokki, some soondae,..
YG: No, no cheesecake.
DH: *devastated*
YJ: Hyuuungggggggg~~~! Snacks? Hmmmmpphhhh??
YG: Just! Small ones. Wait here.

[Your side arrived at home]
You rushed to unfasten your seatbelt and got out of the car.
You just ran to your room upstairs immediately.
Sad? Devastated? Disappointed? Broken-hearted?
More like, embarrassed. Confused.
You slammed onto your bed and found real comfort zone. You pulled the blanket up to your head and fell into a deep sleep..

I'll wash up later.

[B.A.P side]
Himchan was in the living room, sitting with his hands folded, lost in his thoughts.
The door opens.

DH: Himchan-hyung!! Soondae?*shakes plastic bag smiling*
HC: *shakes head* I've eaten. Give them to the maknaes.
DH: I'll be in the room then! Jongup-ie!!! Junhong-ah!! Hyung's here!!

Youngjae just quickly greets Himchan and runs towards the 6-members room, too.

[Room door slammed closed]

Now, there are two figures left in the living room.
Both with a stern expression.

HC: You've eaten?
YG: Later. How about [yourname]? She's ate?
HC: She refused to. She just went straight into her room a while ago. She was sleeping in the car, I guess she's still very tired. Though she slept for 3 hours this afternoon..
YG: Are you okay?
HC: Huh?
YG: I know her. I bet she was more embarrassed about this whole thing than she is broken-hearted. But,you. Are YOU okay? That girl is more solid-hearted than you are, don't you think so too?
HC: Yeah, guess so. Heh. She chooses sleep and food over most things..
*exhales* I'm fine.
YG: Kim Himchan...

[phone rings]
HC: *looks at Yongguk*
YG: Your girlfriend?
HC: *nods*
YG: Pick it up. Seriously, you guys can't bear a day without each other.

Himchan didn't return to the living room after the phone call. He most probably already went to his girlfriend. They're both understanding of each other,  but still Himchan thinks more of her. She was not the type to overthink small matters like him.

The oldest hyung was left alone, leaning his back to the sofa, breathing out a loud exclaim.

[Yongguk's mind]
Everything's okay now, I guess.. But why do I feel so uneasy?
Too exhausted to move.
You went down the stairs to get a drink, scratching your head, yawning.

Ahh, thought by washing up I'm awake, but I'm still sleepy...

YG: You're up? You didn't have dinner, right?

He was right below the stairs.
You were surprised to see him, more over in your messy state right now.

You: Uhh, Yongguk.. *tries to run back up* No, but I.. I'm not really hungry.

That sound. Your stomach's acting up.
He let out a small laugh.

YG: I bought tteokbeokki. Since you don't eat soondae.. We can eat that together. I haven't eaten too. (giggles)You better eat soon.. The sound just now was kinda loud.

He turned his back while you were making your hands into fists, comically, with the urge to hit him due to embarrassment.
When you were about to go down the last stair step...
YOU TRIPPED!! ( me laughing at you suddenly )

YG:  Yah,yah,yah! Be careful!

He catches you. ( audience 'oooh'-ing sound effect)
And you quickly pulled yourself away from him.

Ahhh!! UGGGGHHHH !! NOOOOO!! Not again!! I'm so stupidly embarrassed, oh my gosh I should have just fell down and broke my legs... Oh no.. Oh ma gerrrddddd--------

[other self-cursing out of embarrassment edited out]

You: *wide-eyed* I-I-I'm fine!! Sorry!! I-I-I I'll just heat up the tteokbeokki!

You grabbed the black plastic bag you saw on the living room table and went into the kitchen, covering your red face with one hand.

YG: [yourname]-ah!
You: W-why?

He went inside the kitchen.
He was moving closer, and closer to you..

And took the plastic bag from your hand.

YG: That's the trash.
You: H-huh?

YG: *turns around to go outside, mumbling to self* Aish.. Those kids, not throwing away their own trash..

( I should play some music for you: *makes pitiful sounds*)

I should.. Just.. Die..
 Okay, heat up the food.. You need to eat. Yongguk needs to eat too.

And so, the night goes on just like that...

I'm going to wrap up this story in the next part! :D *claps claps* I apologize that the maknaes have small parts  -__- Well it's YOUR story anyway XD . Peace! -Author


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