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Friday 15 February 2013

#imagine . . .part 4

#imagine you were sitting alone in the veranda on the night before Valentine's Day. You were staring at the sky. "There aren't many stars tonight. . .WHAT! Even the stars are hiding from me~!eiishhhh" You grumbled and you accidentally hit a flower pot until it falls down to the ground. You:" Ahh! err.. *looks down*" You suddenly saw something moving near the bushes. "Probably just a cat. . . " You turned to walk in back to your room when you heard something faintly. "Haissh, that surprised me to death. . ." You:" YAHHH WHO'S THERE???!!!" You looked back down and saw an unclear shadow. "Yah. Your family's probably sleeping. Keep it down will ya?" You recognised the voice. You:" MOON. JONGUP. *half-whispering*What are you doing here???" JU:"*jumps out and climbs the veranda*" Even at this situation, he flashed his bright smile at you. He walked closer to you. You stepped back. He quickly grabbed you and hugs you. JU:"I'm not here to say Happy Valentine's Day." He laughed before continuing "Valentine's Day doesn't matter. It's not important. You are."

#imagine you are having appetite problems and can't seem to eat anything for the past few days. You promised to buy Himchan lunch on a Saturday but you lost all your energy and forgot about it. You went to the TS Building and saw Himchan sitting with a frowned face. He stood up. HC:" Yah you--" he wanted to say something but stopped when he saw your pale face. You:"Mmm? Wae..yo.." You felt dizzy and your legs give way. Himchan catches you immediately. HC:"This pabo. . Really. . "You pushed him away and sat down. You saw meal coupons on the couch. You:" oppa why didn't you remind me? this. ." Before you can say anything, he pushed you to lie down and gave you water. HC:" You still have a promise with me." He took the water you drank and put it on the table. HC:" It's our first date. Do NOT forget it again."

#imagine you were visiting your sick friend at the hospital and you were rushing so you didn't get to say to Yongguk about not being able to attend your date.You left your workplace and told your boss about it and you forgot to bring your cellphone. When you finally remember, you could not even call him. (Yongguk story)YG: *looks at watch* *tapping fingers*He took out his phone. "Why isn't she answering?" He dialed your workplace's number. YG: Ah, hello? This is the cafe (your name) works at, right? May I know if she's there? I thought her shift changed?" Boss:"Sorry, mister, I think she was rushing to the hospital just now. ." YG:"WHAT?" He misheard "rushing" as "rushed". YG:"Which hospital????" Boss:"The one near here. But mister, she--" Yongguk didn't even care to hear anymore and quickly drove away. You were outside your friend's admitted room. "aissh why did I forget. . ." Suddenly you turned your attention to the counter in the hospital. You saw someone there. "Yongguk . oppa??" You quickly ran to the counter and you heard Yongguk asking the nurse , "Ms. (your name). Isn't she here?? I am positive she was rushed here .." Nurse:"Sorry, but it isn't in the registered form, mister. ." You:" Oppa. What are you doing??" He turned to you and you saw his panicking face. YG:" You're okay??? Aren't you hurt anywhere?????' You:" I'm fine. .But it isn't me who's admitted here. It's Yujeong. ." You gave him a confused look and he suddenly hugs you ,so tight you cannot breathe. You:"eyy oppa, . ." YG:" Never mind that. You're in trouble miss. You forgot our date. You'd have to do a lot to make up for that ."

#imagine it was PE class and your class all had their height measured. You did not seem to grow any taller. (imagine. .you're quite petite )You were sighing and Zelo turned to you. ZL:" So. . Did all that eating made you any taller?" He smiled. You:"Yah Choi Junhong don't tease me right now I'm not in a good mood!" He snapped a bit at you raising your voice. ZL:"Chill. hahaha" You glared at him.You made a face and said," I know you're ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FOUR(exaggeratedly imitating Zelo's English ) and such but JUST KEEP QUIET."He suddenly opened his eyes wide and moves close to you. ZL:"Stop growing." You:"What." ZL:" I like short girls. hahaha" He laughed hard and until he manage to catch his breath, he said "Aren't you glad I like short girls?? Maybe that's why I like you so much.. ."

#imagine you were walking outside at the park , listening to your MP3. You were playing B.A.P's Coma. You were so absorbed in the song you bumped onto Youngjae. You almost dropped your MP3 but the earphones were plugged off. The music was still playing loud and Youngjae looks at you. You quickly plugged the earphones back in. You:"Oppa, mian. Really. " You felt sorry but Youngjae just smiled. YJ:"I forgive you because that's our song." You:"Yeah. .Well . ." He suddenly took the earphones and gave one side to you and took the other. YJ: " Now. . What songs shall we listen to. .? You:"S. .Songs?" YJ:"Yeah. Oh, I know. I'll just play the long ones so we can walk longer together. " He took your MP3 on one hand. . .And your hand on the other.

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