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Saturday 12 January 2013

Take My Words

:3 I'm making this mega imagine of uri Leadah Yongguk before going back to the dorms. :))

#imagine B.A.P has a special showcase to be held near your uni. There was a short announcement made in your uni saying that your uni was chosen to be helping with escorting and helping with B.A.P's showcase. A few people were selected to be in the team and will be given extra credits. You: "Jebal, jebal..." Voice: "Special addition, (yourname). Is that clear everyone? The names mentioned please come to the main office after this. Thank you." You turned speechless and was holding in your spazzing so hard you couldn't focus during class. During the team's meeting, you discovered that there won't be much times when you can actually meet B.A.P when doing the work. Knowing this, your spirits suddenly went down to a pond scum . ;A;
              For your uni's team is an extra helper for the showcase, you guys had to do a lot even before the boys came. You were broken-hearted inside,. . . But. . You:" At least I can still do this for them, ne? " was what you tried to make positive.The days went by with you being busy with all the preparations. The day before B.A.P will come to the venue, you took a look into the waiting room. You sat in front of the mirror and smiled. "This is where Channie will be sitting at most  . ." You stood up and looked around a bit. Suddenly, you paused your motions. You saw something that relives some kind of pain inside you.
A poster. One of their individual one. And you almost broke in tears. " Yo-Yongguk oppa's gummy smile. ." Your eyes shifted. "Can't I meet them just once?" Your heart spoke. You touched their individual posters one by one. . . Then you were at Yongguk's poster again. You seem to be pausing the longest there. "(yourname)! It's late! We need to be early tomorrow too, there's still much to do. You should go back and rest." The team leader brought you back to reality. You:" Ah, yes. . Okay." You felt your hand unconsciously touching your face as if you sense something flowing down your cheeks. Your steps were somewhat heavy when you walked out and went back to the dorms. The rays of hope. .  You cannot seem to spot it.

               You couldn't sleep a wink that night. The next morning, you woke up very early and arrived at the showcase's venue. Surprisingly, you're the earliest to be there. You:*facepalm* "What am I doing?? " You scanned around the place and tried to find something you can help with. As you were busy and lost in thoughts, suddenly you bumped into someone without realising it. You:" Team leader? is that you? I-I-I'm sorry. . ." you couldn't lift up your flushed face. "It's. . Okay. Are you. . A staff?" He was pointing at the nametag you had on that reads "STAFF". He, in fact, has a voice you're familiar with. When you finally lift up your head, your eyes immediately widens. You:* continuously bows* He-he-hello, Yongguk oppa, no, Yongguk-ssi, ah B.A.P's Yongguk--" you stopped when you heard him chuckling softly. You saw his gummy smile. THAT GUMMY SMILE. You never imagined you will actually that precious thing up close! You were so star-strucked you almost forgot about everything. Yongguk:" Well then, umm.. *looks at your nametag* (yourname)-ssi? Let's work well together? " He smiled again. You:"Ahh. . Ye-ye-yes. ." You were about to shake hands with him when the team leader called for you. You:" Well then, Yongguk. .ssi, I . ." Yongguk:" Sorry, but I think the other members are here. I need to go check. I'll see you around." He still managed to flash on a smile again before taking his leave. You freezed. You could have been so longer if the team leader didn't call you for the fourth time. Even when you were running you still can't get your mind off what just happened. "Is this seriously happening?" You thought. That thought could have been dragged further if it wasn't for the busy preparations. Their showcase was about to start in an hour but you didn't get to meet the other members yet. It turns out that Yongguk went there the earliest to check on the things prior to the showcase, as a leader.

               The showcase started and ended smoothly. Your team still had work to do when the members were taking their leave. They were bowing and thanking the other staffs but your team had to do the last wrap-ups. You were in charge of taking down the banners and posters after the showcase. When you were taking down the main banner, suddenly someone comes near you and helped you. You looked beside and saw Yongguk. You:" Wait, Yongguk..ssi, Why are you still here?" He helped you fold the banner and glances at you.Yongguk:" You worked hard, (yourname_)-ssi. Thank you." He paused for a moment before saying, " The next time we meet,address me comfortably instead. And we should properly greet each other. " He lets out his hand. " Okay?" You shook his hand. You stared at your hands holding his for a while before letting go, embarrassed. Yongguk:" Till we meet again." He finally made his way to the van and left. You:" I didn't even tell you I'm glad to meet you. ." Your motions stopped there. You stared at the folded banners and posters. Yes, you are very happy. Touched. Hopeful. But the question is: Will you ever even get to meet him again. Did he really mean what he said? Or is he giving false hopes and empty words just because he's as nice as who he is? Too much thoughts. You shook your head and tried to kick your senses back on.
"Yongguk-oppa. . ."
                  A few weeks has passed after your meeting with him. You started to realise exotic feelings are growing inside you since then. It was ineffable, unavoidable, so wrong but feels so right. "Is this how you're going to be? Gahh, I thought you won't do this!!" You mumbled to yourself, frustrated. His sweet words still echoes in your ears. "He's Yongguk. Of course he will say that to BABYS. Or will he? Ugghhh" You remembered how you read about him being a sweet talker for BABYS. (*cough*) You hate sweet, empty talkers. But you can't seem to hate Yongguk, though. It's the total opposite of that feeling, instead.

"B.A.P's Bang Yongguk to release a self-composed song by this week. Rumour has it that he will sing in the solo, too."
"There are currently no plans for another showcase."
"Interview: What was memorable during the recent showcase?
Yongguk: The showcase itself, and BABYs"

                   You stared at your computer's screen. Somewhere deep inside you were wishing he had mentioned something that you can relate to. You:" Well of course. . He met a lot of new people. .I'm just a plain, typical new acquaintance." What were you thinking? Of course you are just that. What expectations can you carry just by a simple , 1-minute meeting with him? Why are you taking this too deep?
Your thoughts are fogged. But you can't help but anticipate his new song. :D

D-3. .
D-2. .
D-1. .
"B.A.P's Bang Yongguk releases self-composed solo, 'Take My Words' "

                 You listened to the song. You cannot understand much of his deep lyrics. It was an acoustic, rapping song with some parts of his sweet , deep and emotional singing. Perfect. Too perfect. "Why?" The next day after releasing the song, he tweeted.

"Take my words. I promise you won't regret it."

                 Is this one of his sweet talks for BABYs again? You think so. You wished he means it deeper than that. You unconsciously clicked the 'reply' button. What are you going to say now? Why did you do that? He tweets once on a blue moon and it's nearly impossible for him to even read his mentions. Without knowing, you typed, " I'm regretting it right now. . . " And paused. Suddenly. .

"As I said, take my words. I mean it."@BAP_Bangyongguk

                  "Isn't his sweet talking going too deep? I hate sweet talkers!!" You grunted.
The days flew by. His song was loved by everyone. You? You loved it. Too perfect. But his voice was something you cannot stand to hear anymore at this time. Sweet talkers. You assumed this is how he made such a sweet song. He's just genuinely a sweet talker. You despised the fact that he did that to you. .Or s you think.

"B.A.P's Bang Yongguk to promote his solo, 'Take My Words' in Malaysia. He will be doing the activities as an individual for the time being."

                    You read that. No, you pretended you didn't read that. Excitements and mixed feeling of annoyance dominates you. You despised it more that you're feeling like this even when you know you don't even have the right to do so. Just as the days gone by again, you decided you need to see him. Forget about these useless and immature feelings. You just wanted to see him.

D-4. .
D-3. .

"B.A.P's Bang Yongguk's sudden early flight to Malaysia surprises fans"

You didn't see the headlines until you arrived at the performance's venue to buy tickets.
You didn't know he's walking towards you when you least expect it too.

"Where's your promise?" he said.
"There isn't supposed to be one." You replied and seconds later , you facepalmed yourself for saying those irrelevant words.
" I'll make one now, then. " He dragged you out of the queue and up on the stage.
He took the mic and started singing some parts of his song.

Take my words, for as long as I can take your heart

The part you understood most.

You were dumbfounded.

He took your hand and kissed it. Yongguk:" Seal completed. No more compromising." He pulled you into an embrace. "And one more thing." He then kissed your forehead and looks into your eyes with his deep stare. "You're the most memorable encounter I had. I just didn't want to share something this precious."


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