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Sunday 6 January 2013

#imagine . . . part 3

‎#imagine you and B.A.P were playing a game of Truth Or Dare. The bottle spins and stops, pointing at Jongup. It was after Yongguk's turn, so he gets to ask. Yongguk:"Do see (omg i almost wrote my name) ________ as a woman?Truth? or dare?"Jongup freezes for a while and glanced at you for a moment. Uppie:"Uhh. Dare."You looked at him and felt a little disappointed. Yongguk:hahahahha! jackpot! I dare you.. To have a staring contest with (your name) for 1min." Your eyes widen and Uppie was stuck in the moment (haha). He looked at you, and your eyes meet. You were blushing so hard and lost to him in just a few seconds. Yongguk:"these kids.." You were sweating and blushing so hard. You:"Umm, you guys continue. I gotta do something." You stood up and heads to the restroom. When you almost reach there, Uppie grabbed you by the arm. Uppie: "U ok? u dont look good" u:"uhh, y-y-yeah, umm" you were also shaking!! so silly. u:"u know oppa, I just--" He holds your shoulders and stares into your eyes. Uppie:"I don't see you just as a woman," he smiles and continues "I see you as my woman."

#imagine It was New Year's Eve but you were all alone at home. You felt really bored and depressed so you went out and sat where it was near a river. You looked up and stare at the stars above. You:*sigh* "Even on such a beautiful night on New Year's Eve, it's empty." You closed your eyes and tried to get your mind off this loneliness. Suddenly you felt like someone is crouching in front of you. You were scared thinking it's some kind of bad guy so you opened your eyes-- and the person ( which you guessed is someone you know ) just kisses you surprisingly. Your eyes were open with shock but you figured that the kiss started to get longer so you eventually closed them. After a few seconds he moves his face from yours and when you opened your eyes, you see Yongguk there smiling at you. Yongguk: "Happy New Year, baby." You blinked your eyes a few times. Yongguk resumes hugging you and whispers to your ear, "I'm here. You are not alone. I will always be here. Didn't you know that?"

#imagine You just broke up with your boyfriend after you caught him cheating ( Just imagine he's not one of the boys XD ). You locked yourself and didn't get in contact with anyone after a few days. You were broken-hearted by the situation-- but there is also something else inside you saying that you regretted not letting go earlier. You were dazed, confused, broken down. . You were on your bed still lost in thoughts when your door suddenly broke open. Your eyes widen in surprise. "Yah, pabo, don't you know how to make a call?" You looked at Youngjae with teary eyes. You:"What's the use when there's no one to call?" He pulled you up, being a little annoyed with what you just said. "No one? Yah (urname), then what am I?"You felt sorry and regretful but you couldn't say a word. Tears started to run down his cheeks. You were surprised and your sobbing starts to lessen. "Youngjae oppa, why are you--" he just pulls you close into an embrace and you heard him sobbing faintly. After a few moments of silence he started caressing your hair. "(yourname)-ah. . Please. Even if you consider me someone you come to only at your difficulties times, I don't care. Just. .  Just . . At least I know it's me you can lean onto." and he hugs you tighter.

#imagine You auditioned for a lead role in a drama. You were showered with compliments by the judges and they called you after one day to announce your eligibility. You were very happy and excited that you told SECRET and B.A.P about it. You decided to throw a small party to celebrate it. During preparations for your party, B.A.P and SECRET came to help. You were cooking downstairs and the others were upstairs arranging the decorations. You were immersed in cooking when suddenly you felt a pair of hands holding your waist and pulled you into a back hug. He suddenly turns you around and kisses you by surprise. You:"Daehyun oppa?" He kisses you for the second time. Daehyun:"You know,.." he sighs before continuing "I can't stand to see you close to any other guys during your drama, I mean you got the lead role and there are guys, I mean well skin--"You laughed hard but stopped when he hugs you. "That's why I wanted your first kiss."

I guess these are like ‘How-you-will-meet-B.A.P’ imagines thingy :P

#imagine You are a member of a dance team in your country. Your  team won on a competition and the prize was a trip to Korea for 2 weeks and also performing there on a K-Pop festival.By great luck ( I mean seriously ) , your dance team was given an opportunity to be learning a dance from a choreographer from TS Ent. Your team practices the routine everyday for a week in TS. After your team’s performance in the festival, you guys decided to throw a party to celebrate. The venue was in TS’ practice room. TS artists were there too. After the party, you were last to leave. Suddenly someone patted your shoulder. Zelo: “Uh, hey. “ He smiled and his dimple was visible. You: “Hi. You’re not joining the others out?” You put on a smile and Zelo seems to be blushing. You were trying to hold in your spazzing too. Zelo:” I saw you dancing and I was really impressed. I thought you weren’t like those girl groups and I felt. . . Attracted to you.” You were grinning secretly because he’s just too cute and blank that time. Zelo:”Can I know you closer from now on?”

#imagine You were alone in your family’s vacation house. The maids and other workers were the only people there besides yourself. It was a sunny day and you decided to take a walk at a beach nearby. While you were lost in your thoughts, you heard some guys running and playing. Before you know it, one of them bumped onto you and you fell down. You:” Why am I seeing twins??” You rubbed your eyes because you saw about 6 blonde guys there. Then the same person that bumped onto you gave you his hand. “Sorry. Having too much fun just now. The name’s Himchan. Kim Himchan.” You took his hand and he suddenly pulls you up close to him. You put on an unamused face. You:”Excuse me, I’m okay now.” You let go of his hand. Himchan:” Name.” You:” Unnecessary to tell you.” Himchan:”Oh, hi, ‘unnecessary to tell you’. You rolled your eyes, turned around and walked. Himchan:” Hey!! Miss Unnecessary, I think your house is this way?” He pointed out at the only house there. You:”I.. Wanted to walk some more!” Himchan: “Yeah right, the direction you’re going leads to a forest, though.” You were surprised to see him behind you. Himchan :”C’mon, let’s go for that walk you want.”He grabbed your hand and pulled you away. “You’re mine for today.” You tried to get free. Himchan:”Ahh, right. No. I’ll make you mine tomorrow too. And after that. And after, after, after that too.”

#imagine Yongguk visited your school to donate one day. He tried to visit secretly but people noticed him. In a matter of minutes,reporters crowded your school gate. You  were carrying a pile of books to be brought to the library. The books covered your face and you didn’t see Yongguk walking in front of you. You bumped onto him and all your books fell down. You:”Ah! I’m sorry, sorry!” You bowed a few times. When you finally realized he was Yongguk, your eyes widen. You said half shouting:” Ah! Yonggu-“ He was surprised and he pulled you away with him to hide behind the library. Yongguk:” I am very sorry but please don’t say anything. There are too many reporters here. .”You:” Oh, well, I didn’t mean to—I—well—“ He was looking out for reporters and suddenly you both turned to each other, your faces almost touch. Yongguk: “Oh, . .Your. .” You were blushing. Yongguk: “Eyes are very pretty.” He said and gummy smiles.

#imagine Your friend wants to audition to be a singer. She asks to accompany her to the audition. When it was her turn, you waited outside the audition room.  You saw the doorknob turning and assumed your friend was done auditioning. You:”So did you pass the—“ You were surprised to see Daehyun coming out instead. You:”A-Annyeonghaseyo! *bows*” He assisted on being a jury but he has a schedule so he took an early leave. He chuckled. Daehyun: “You’re not auditioning?” You:” N-no. I came here to ac-accompany my friend, the one that’s inside right now.” You were stuttering and shaking. Daehyun chuckled more seeing you like that. He suddenly stares at you close. Daehyun: “ Cute.” He smiles and ruffles your hair.

#imagine Your mom told you to buy some groceries in a mart nearby your apartment. You were in the vegetables section. You:” Potatoes, ginger.  .Ah, cherry tomatoes! “ You picked up some of them then you accidentally dropped one. You were about to bend down and pick it up but someone else did first. He stood up, and you had to look up because he is tall. Zelo:“Are you okay,cherry tomato?” You just feel absurd. “Yours?” He hands it to you. You:” Well, yes, thank you.” You were about to take it but he pulls back his hand. “Haha. It’s mine.” You felt even more absurd.  You: “Right. . I better just get back to shopping. .” You turned around and pushed your cart. He runs in front of you and gave you the cherry tomato. Zelo:” I’m Zelo. I live in the apartment below yours. “ You:” Ah, really? Sorry, I don’t really notice that. “You scratched your head a little. Zelo :” I’m glad I finally get to talk to you. Maybe we can go back together after this and talk some more on the way?” You smiled and just nodded. Zelo:” You know. .  .” You: “Mmm?” Zelo:” I always thought you’re very cute. I think I like you. Even more than these cherry tomatoes.”

#imagine You participated in a students exchange program between your school and a school in Korea. Let’s just say you are fluent in Korean. During your first day there, your group went to visit some historical buildings there. Your group was given a tour around the place. During break time, you decided to go outside the exhibition and get some fresh air. You:*takes deep breath* “Man, it sure is beautiful here. Areumdapda!(it’s beautiful)” You were closing your eyes and took a step forward, but you tripped- almost- tripped. Someone managed to catch you before you fall. You quickly stood back up and bows. You:”Kamsahamnida. I’m sorry about that.” You looked up and saw a guy with a hood and beanie on. You tinted your eyes because you can’t see clearly and you took a step closer to him but you tripped-almost almost fell down again. Youngjae:” Whoa, whoa, miss. Are you okay?” You saw his face and was so mesmerized you couldn’t talk nor move. His arms were still held around you. He helped you stand back up and you can hear him chuckling. Youngjae:” Are you filming a drama here or something?” You:” . . .” Youngjae: “ Be more careful. I won’t always be there to catch you again.” He laughed. You finally got back to reality after a while. You:”Ah, ne! Thank you again.”*bows* He smiled and giggled a little. Youngjae:” Haha. I wouldn’t mind looking over such a clumsy cutie like you all day long.”

#imagine B.A.P was holding an event to choose a lucky winner which they will personally deliver gifts to. You didn’t participate but for your birthday, your friend did on behalf of you and her entry was chosen. You didn’t know about it. On your birthday, you friend brought you to a restaurant next to your apartment. You:” Aren’t we’re gonna order something?” Friend:” Wait. There’s something I want to give you.” A few minutes later, B.A.P came into the restaurant and sat with you. People’s eyes were fixed on your table. You whispered:” Yah, you did this? Dude, you’re just. . OMG. I love you” Suddenly your friend stood up and bows. She said she has to leave for something urgent and apologises. “Good luck, (urname).” You were starstrucked. Speechless. The boys were right in front of you! Yongguk: (urname)-ssi? Your friend said today is your birthday. “ You:” Well, yes. I—Th—Thank you. I’m really happy to be here. “ Suddenly they stood up and started singing you their Happy Birthday song. After that, they gave you some gifts and they each hugged you. You couldn’t even cry. You spent some time talking to them. You felt Jongup’s eyes laying on you the whole time, so you couldn’t look at him straight. Yongguk:”BABY, sorry, we’d love to stay, but we gotta go. Happy Birthday, BABY. No matter how much you grow, you are still our BABY.” They all clapped and smiled. Their van was already waiting and they entered one by one. Jongup was about to enter last when he suddenly ran back to you. Jongup:” I forgot to say Happy Birthday too.Happy birthday.” He smiled. You:”Thank you, oppa ^__^.You got to go now, I guess.” He looked at you deeply before saying, “I hope I can see you again.” Out of nowhere, he gave you a bouquet of flowers. Jongup: “Maybe you can keep a vacant space in your heart for me till then?”

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